Jun 30, 20221 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 30:14-18, Mandrakes?
14 In the days of wheat harvest Reuben [as young as 6?] went and found mandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah....

Jun 29, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 30:1-13, Dueling Sisters
1 When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she envied her sister. She said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I shall die!” [Rachel...

Jun 28, 20221 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 29:31-35, Jacob's Bench of Players Expands
31 When the Lord saw [he acts in defense of the weak and oppressed] that Leah was hated [worse than being not loved as much as Rachel],...

Jun 27, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 29:21-30, Good Morning Leah!
21 Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife [demanding her, suggesting that Laban may have been slow to respond to Jacob’s completed...

Jun 24, 20221 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 29:13-20, Rachel and Leah
13 As soon as Laban heard the news about Jacob, his sister's son, he ran to meet him and embraced him and kissed him and brought him to...

Jun 23, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 29:1-12, Watering the Sheep
1 Then Jacob went on his journey and came to the land of the people of the east. [They were noted for their large flocks, herds, and...

Jun 22, 20223 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 28:10-22, Jacob's Dream
10 Jacob left Beersheba and went toward Haran [where Abraham was first called by God]. 11 And he came to a certain place and stayed there...

Jun 21, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 28:1-9, Two Brothers; Two Plans
1 Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and directed him, “You must not take a wife from the Canaanite women. [Reminiscent of when...

Jun 20, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 27:41-46, Esau Hates Jacob
41 Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, “The days of mourning...

Jun 17, 20222 min read
Knowing The Word in Genesis 27:30-40, Isaac Blesses Esau
30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, when Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his brother...