Jan 312 min read
A Theology of Connecting Chaos and Creation
William Temple One of my favorite archbishops of Canterbury is William Temple. He lived 1881-1944 and served in office only two years...

Jan 301 min read
Scripture, Jesus, and Martin Luther
Martin Luther God gave us Jesus and Scripture, which is a testimony to Jesus. It is through the written word of God (Scripture) that we...

Jan 292 min read
Avoid Mistakes: Rootedness Leads to Wisdom
Rowan Williams Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams has made three important theological insights from this quote from...

Jan 282 min read
McGrath and Lewis on Theology
Alistar McGrath One of the most important theological mentors in my life has been Alistair McGrath. In his book What's The Point of...

Jan 272 min read
Theology Offers Us Wisdom through the Word
Augustine of Hippo Sociobiologist Edward Wilson wrote in 1998, "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom." Almost thirty...

Jan 231 min read
William Barclay on Theology
William Barclay (1907-1978) was a Scottish theologian and pastor who wrote a popular set of Bible commentaries that have sold over 1.5...

Jan 221 min read
The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony and Theology
Testimony starts with a presupposition: it wants to be trusted. When I share testimony in a conversation with someone, I want them to...

Jan 211 min read
Theology, Neil Postman, and the Bible
One of the writers who made me think in a new way in college was Neil Postman in Teaching as a Conserving Activity and Amusing Ourselves...

Jan 201 min read
The Incarnation, Dorothy Sayers, and Alistair McGrath
During World War II, Dorothy Sayers explored the question why Christ and not someone else? In Creed or Chaos? she wrote, "If Christ was...

Jan 171 min read
The Cross
Jesus was not the only person to be crucified. It is estimated that the Roman Empire crucified between 200,000 and 2,000,000 people. Yet...