A Theology of Wonder, Wellbeing, and Wisdom

Theology helps us engage our belief in Jesus with the world. Good theology leads us into wonder, wellbeing, and wisdom for wise living.
If all we know about God is black and white, then there is no sense of wonder. God cannot be reduced to a black and white formula. He is mighty, majestic, and full of awe. Theology captures and puts into words who God is. This leads to delight in, desire for, and devotion to God. The destination of Christianity is not a place but an ever-evolving relationship with Jesus.
Take one example of Christian theology: the Incarnation. If Jesus were only a man, he would not be relevant to knowing God personally. If Jesus were only divine, then he's be irrelevant to the human experience of life. But Jesus is both God and man. Therefore, we can know God, He is not distant and irrelevant. He entered into time and space in history. Because Jesus suffered on the cross as a human being, he is relevant to human suffering and the understanding that God does not stay safely apart from sinful humans but has engaged us fully in Jesus.
Theology takes us into the depth of faith, opening our hearts and minds to the wonder of God.
Tomorrow I will look at what theology does for our wellbeing and then reflect on how theology can lead to wisdom for wise living.