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John 10:7-9, I Am the Door of the Sheep

7 So Jesus again said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.


In this series of sheep-farming “I Am” sayings, Jesus is both the Door of the Sheep and the Good Shepherd himself. It can be confusing as he uses these images interchangeably. John Calvin cautions, “Let us be content with the general view that Christ likens the Church to a sheepfold in which God assembles his people, and compares himself to the door since he is the only entrance to the Church.” Jesus understands himself as the exclusive way to salvation; there is only one way in and it is through him. When people enter into the fold, they will be saved, safe from predators and false shepherds. At night a guard watches over the sheep, remaining at the door to the enclosure, ensuring the safety of the sheep, and letting the true shepherd enter in the morning. Each new day the sheep would hear their shepherd’s voice and follow him back into their flock under his leadership.


Listening to Jesus are the Pharisees. He illustrates a series of differences with them, exposing them as false shepherds. He is appointed by God; they are self-appointed. His sheep hear his voice as he speaks for God; they do not speak for God but for themselves. He personally calls people by name among the lost and hurting; they ignore the lost and hurting, having just excommunicated the now healed blind man. He guides God’s people into salvation; they do not. He elicits obedience from those who hear his voice and follow; they elicit fear from the people they are to love and protect. They have tried to enter into God’s fold another way, losing the very salvation they claim to want because they do not acknowledge that Jesus is the Door of the Sheep.


It may be hard to relate to Jesus’ pastoral images of sheep, shepherds, and flock enclosures, but try and picture yourself as a sheep, who knows the voice of love and protection, and in that place of security give thanks to Jesus that he calls you personally by name. In response, follow his voice today.



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