John 11:36-37, Questions

36 So the Jews said, "See how he loved him!" 37 But some of them said, "Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man also have kept this man from dying?"
John always gives us a series of reactions to the signs and miracles of Jesus. The first reaction is correct on the surface—Jesus did love Lazarus—but they miss the deeper and more profound meaning behind the weeping of Jesus, as yesterday’s entry discussed.
The second reaction is a statement about the limitations of Jesus. This man who seemed to be so capable of doing things no one else could do has finally met his match and reached his limit. He could not keep his friend from dying. He has no power over death. They could not be more wrong about Jesus or guess what would happen next.
How do you react to Jesus? Is he limited man to you or is he the God-man who has the power to bring the dead to life? How do you see your belief in Jesus playing out in your own life? Do you live in relationship with him as the all-powerful Savior and Lord of your life? Or is Jesus something in your religion box whose teachings help keep you nice? Take these answers to him in prayer, discussing with him what you really believe and how you really live in relationship to him.