John 11:5-6, Non Sequitur Jesus

5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.
These two verses seem to be a non sequitur. How can Jesus love Martha, Mary, and Lazarus and decide to stay away two days longer from them than he needs to? The answer is that Jesus plans to work another miraculous sign in and through Lazarus. His love for them is so great that he will use this family to preview his power over death. He will show them insights into his future and theirs that they cannot imagine. However, it is his Father to whom he listens and responds. Even the presenting emotional and physical needs of his closest friends become secondary to the will of the Father.
Jesus waits, I believe, so that by the time he does get to Lazarus, he will have been dead for three days. All will acknowledge his death is real. Since Jesus is within a day’s journey or so of Bethany, waiting two additional days guarantees Lazarus is beyond any expectation of being healed by Jesus. The Bible is full of divine delays. God uses delays to reveal his providence and power. These Jesus will demonstrate when he returns to Lazarus’ grave.
Where have you seen God’s providence and power in your life or in the life of someone you love? Reflect on this and then share your thoughts with the Lord in prayer.