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John 12:30-32, The Work of the Cross

30 Jesus answered, “This voice has come for your sake, not mine. 31 Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. 32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” 


Jesus shares with his disciples that his death upon the cross will achieve four things. First, the cross will judge the world, exposing the sin of the human race. God’s representative, the Messiah is sent into the world and is rejected by the world, for those he came to serve. Second, the cross will cast out the ruler of this world, Satan himself. God will use Satan to destroy Satan. What appears as a victory of the evil one is exactly the opposite. Third, the cross lifts up or exalts Jesus. It is like a coronation throne upon which Jesus is made the true King and Redeemer of mankind. And fourth, upon that throne he will draw the world to himself. We have seen this idea when the Samaritan woman brings her friends to Jesus and they believe, when Jesus speaks of other sheep he will bring to his sheepfold, and when the Greeks approach him. The cross is going to bring in a world-wide harvest for the glory of God. 


Consider what Jesus does for you at the cross that you cannot do for yourself. You may want to write up a list of those things, and then thank him in your prayers. 



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