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John 14:1-3, The Father's House

1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 


Jesus begins to explain to his disciples why they let their hearts become troubled so that they can eventually come to peace. We too need to listen to his words. We live in the most protected society where few need to worry about food, shelter, and clothing. Yet like the disciples on this night, we have much anxiety among us. Anxiety can cause people not only to make poor choices without an eternal perspective but also to live without trusting God. 


Jesus calls them first to faith: “Believe in God; believe in me.” Jesus is the object of their faith who sees himself as God. They have followed him some three years. They know him and his trustworthiness, and based on that they can continue trusting/believing in him as they believe in God. 


The first image he uses for them to understand is that of a bridegroom going away to build a home for his bride after the betrothal and before the marriage. At the time of Jesus, after a man was betrothed to his future wife—similar to engagement in our culture but with more binding effects, meaning it required a divorce to get out of—he returned to his parents’ home and built a new room for the couple to live in after their marriage. The image Jesus uses exposes the depth of intimate love and commitment his has for his followers. To not return for them and take them with him would require God to divorce his people and break his promises which is antithetical to his very nature. 


Jesus leaves to secure their eternal future and ours. They and we can have faith in that as all of us put our faith in God and Jesus. 


Where is your mind today? Is it at peace? Are you anxious for anything? Spend some time reflecting on these words of Jesus and then time in prayer with him, asking him to build up your faith and trust in him. 



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