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John 15:1, I Am The True Vine

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.” 


Jesus knows that images communicate powerfully with people. That is why he spoke often in parables, as we see in the other gospel accounts. In John’s gospel, however, Jesus uses images, not parables. Here Jesus uses the image of a vine for Israel that can be found in Psalm 80, Isaiah 5, and Jeremiah 2. In the Old Testament the image of a vine as a symbol of Israel is associated with the nation lacking in some way. In Isaiah 5, for example, she is not producing the fruit she was created to produce. The vine dresser is God, the one who tends to his vine by pruning, protecting, correcting, and watching over it. 


In this instance, Jesus is going to use the image of the vine to summon his disciples to mission. In chapters 13-14, Jesus allayed his disciples’ fears, reassuring them of what he was going to do on the cross and the sending of his Spirit. Now he will prepare them for mission, a mission Israel failed to complete in being a light for the Gentiles. Israel destroyed itself through disobedience to God, but Jesus fulfills the purpose of Israel by being “the true vine” as he faithfully obeys the will of the Father. 


Father, thank you that your Son Jesus is always faithful. Help each one of us to remain in him, the true vine, from whom and through whom all good things come into existence. Amen. 


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