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John 15:16-17, I Chose You

15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17 These things I command you, so that you will love one another.”


If Jesus calling you a friend should lead you or any disciple into any self-importance, he then adds, “Don’t forget, it was I who chose you and have given you work to do.” He reminds his disciples of their election. Their friendship with Jesus is a matter of grace. His sacrificial love for them is a matter of grace. This grace of election and love becomes the spark for mission. It is not that we are adequately equipped or even needed by Jesus. We go because he sends us after saving and calling us in spite of ourselves. We are chosen to go and bear fruit. Every Christian needs to remember this humbling honor he bestows upon us, especially when we see much fruit but also when there appears to be none and we become discouraged. Many Christians have done marvelous things by humbly serving others without knowing the fruit they are helping to grow.


When we remember and reflect upon grace, we stay rooted in Christ and in such harmony with the purposes of God that our prayers, asked in Jesus’ name, will be in accordance with the will of God.


To sum up this call to mission, Jesus returns to his command that his disciples love one another. In a world where love is so often based on performance, Christians need to look for ways to love unconditionally through grace. If we listen to Jesus, we will change the world and bear fruit that will last.


Lord, help me to love my sister and my brother and those who seem to be unlovable. Remind me that you chose me through grace so that I will be encouraged to live in the light of that grace, loving others as I love myself. Amen.


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