John 2:22, The Disciples Believed

22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.
Moved by the death and resurrection of Jesus and filled with his Spirit, the disciples believed God’s word and moved out into the world to share the good news of Jesus with others. Not to share this good news would be to give a nod to the triumph of evil. We need to have a Jesus-like zeal to share what we believe as did his disciples. Belief leads us into action.
Are you moved by the meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus? Are you as concerned about the honor and glory of God as Jesus and his disciples? The Christian belief that Jesus dwells in us, in our temples, is unknown to much of the world, especially to the growing number of Islamic believers. Having this kind of intimate relationship with Jesus, who calls us friends, baffles the Muslim mind, which has a God who is far-off and distant. But this is part of the good news that we share!
Scripture tells us that all people are created in the image of God and for his glory, which should have a profound impact on how we live as he comes to live in us. Our temples, our bodies are created for the sole worship of God, but they have become polluted. Our contemporary culture is blind to this. People live morally autonomous lives, thinking they are their own temples and what they do to and with their bodies is their concern and theirs only. They need to know they have been bought with a price at the cross and do not belong to themselves but to Jesus.
However, it is not biblical morality that should primarily concern followers of Jesus but the eternal souls of each person created in the image of God who do not know him. Pray today about someone you know who does not know Jesus and ask the Lord to move you to share him with that person.