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John 2:6, Jars for Purification

6 Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.


Jews became ceremonially unclean during daily life and poured water over their hands to cleanse themselves before each meal. At a lengthy wedding feast, up to a week in duration, much water was needed for all the guests and all the meals. There was a connection between cleanliness and holiness. Cleanliness was a prerequisite to holiness. By cleaning oneself after touching or encountering something impure, one could return to a clean and holy state, yet that state was impermanent and purification rites would have to be repeated.


John the baptizer’s pronouncement that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire makes the reader realize that water is not enough for true purification. Something more is needed. In the verses that follow, Jesus is going to demonstrate this fact by changing the water into wine. The stone vessels themselves do not change but their content does. The water will become wine. One symbol of cleanliness will be changed into another symbol.


Spend some time thanking Jesus that through his sacrifice on the cross he has made you clean.



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