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John 21:24, True Testimony

24 This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true.

We finally know who is bearing witness. Why do we have to wait until the end to find out who the author is? His identity is withheld until the writing of the gospel is authorized by Jesus (vv. 20-23).


There are seven witnesses for Jesus in John’s Gospel: John the Baptist (1:7), Jesus himself (3:11), the Samaritan woman (4:39), God the Father (5:32), Jesus’ works or signs (5:36), the Scriptures (5:39), and the crowd who testify about Jesus’ raising of Lazarus (12:17). After the resurrection of Jesus, there are two additional witnesses: the Helper (15:26) and the disciples (15:27), of whom the Beloved Disciple is one (21:24). The testimony of these two will continue until the return of Jesus.


John has written about truth so that people will know the truth about God and about Jesus. He concludes by acknowledging that his testimony is true. After all, he, like Peter, has put his life on the line to bear witness to the truth.


Lord Jesus, you said “I am the Light of the world,” thank you that you are also “the Way and the Truth and the Life.” Amen.



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