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John 21:3-4, Going Fishing

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

The disciples have been away from home some three years following Jesus, yet they still have a boat. Where did they get a boat? Most likely Zebedee, father of James and John, has kept the family fishing business going, and Peter and his fellow Galilean disciples have easy access to one of his former employer’s fishing boats. Another question might be, why go fishing? If you had been through the emotional highs and lows of the last two weeks with Jesus, you might want to get back to your normal routine of fishing too! Fishing is something these disciples know well and probably feel comforted by being out on the water even though they caught nothing that night. Nighttime was a popular fishing time on the Sea of Galilee, so what they are doing is not unexpected but normal.


Normal must have felt good. Normal, until Jesus walks back onto the stage! The disciples, however, do not recognize him—neither did Mary Magdalene at the tomb nor Cleopas and the other disciple on the road to Emmaus. There is something about the resurrected Jesus that is different. While we do not know the details, resurrection bodies are different. Jesus is able to appear and disappear. He is able either to walk through walls or transport himself from one place to another. Whatever the case, Jesus has prepared for his disciples another miracle, a miraculous catch of fish to remind them that he has called them to be fishers of men and women.


Jesus, your miracles point to your divine activity within our human world. Because you are vitally linked to our world and to our very natures through your Spirit, show us yet again how we too are to be fishers of women and men in our day, pointing people to you the Lord and Savior of the world. Amen.



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