John 3:18, Look to Him

18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
We have been reading the good news of Jesus for the last few days in his conversation with Nicodemus, and now we come to this startling passage. It may make you sit up and ask, “What does it mean for someone to be already condemned?” The coming of Jesus into the world forces a choice on everyone. That is why Nicodemus has come to visit Jesus. Who is he and how can Nicodemus believe in him?
To believe in Jesus means to believe in his name. To believe in Jesus’ name means to believe in who he is, to believe in his character, to believe in his actions, to believe in the totality of his being. As the Israelites had to make a choice to look at the bronze serpent on the pole to be saved, we all need to choose to look to Jesus.
Consider your belief in the name of the only Son of God. What does it mean to you to believe in Jesus? Talk with God about it in prayer.