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John 3:9-10, How Can This Be?

9 Nicodemus said to him, "How can these things be?" 10 Jesus answered him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things?” 


Previously I described Nicodemus as the representative of the Old Covenant and the leading teacher of his day. That was based upon what Jesus says about him here. Jesus recognizes who and what he is as “the teacher of Israel.” 


Yet Nicodemus does not understand what Jesus is saying, which points to how all the knowledge in the world does not bring us to faith in Jesus until we are reborn by the initiating work of the Holy Spirit. I know profoundly intelligent people who believe, and I know profoundly intelligent people who do not believe in Jesus. Intelligence is not a mark of faith, but that does not mean God will not use our intelligence for his good purposes. He did that in the case of Paul, a well-educated man. As we shall see, he will also do that with Nicodemus. Too bad we do not know the rest of Nicodemus’ story as we know what happens next for Paul. 


The Spirit brings us to faith, but he does not leave us there. He begins a new and abiding work in us to transform our thinking, or as Paul states in Romans 12:2, “the renewal of our minds.” Being born again in Christ, we experience the world differently as we grow in relationship with our Savior, becoming more like him as the Spirit continues his good work in us. 


Consider who you were ten years ago and who you are today. What has the Spirit been doing in your life? Reflect on this and then share it with Jesus in prayer. 



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