John 4:25-26, The Surprising Bride
25 The woman said to him, "I know that the Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things." 26 Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am he."
God comes to earth to meet face to face with this outcast woman in dignity, love, and respect. Jesus is the bridegroom of chapter 3, who seeks out a bride and finds her at a well in Samaria, the last place any good Jew would think to look. She was not looking to meet him, but he came to the well to meet her. More than that, he will go to the cross to die for her sins. She will no longer need to go to any mountain to offer a sacrifice for her sins. After ascending to the Father, he will send the Holy Spirit to dwell in her, so that she can worship him in spirit and truth for eternity. This is a marriage made for heaven!
You are part of the bride of Christ, the new people of God for whom Jesus came to seek, to give his life, and to fill with his Spirit.