John 8:31-33, The Truth Will Set You Free

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." 33 They answered him, "We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, 'You will become free'?"
“The truth will set you free” is one of the most misquoted, out of context verses in Scripture, so let me put it in its context. Jesus’ explanation of his authority in being the light of the world results in newfound followers who believe in him. He encourages them that by sticking with him in his teachings (being his disciples), they will come to a knowledge of the truth that will set them free. This implies, however, that they are enslaved to something and need to be freed. Their protest is immediate: “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone.” They are referring to the Exodus and probably as well to not bending the knee to Rome—her rule and her gods.
If Jesus is truly Savior, then he must be fully Savior and not an additional adornment to our faith. If Jesus is the truth, then he must stand above all that is false. If Jesus is the light of the world, then there must be darkness in which people have dwelt and need to leave. Only those who are desperate, who acknowledge they have been following a lie, who realize they have lived in darkness, only those who know they are backed into a dark, deceitful corner, those and those only truly turn to Jesus for salvation. They do not say, “Please shed a little light on this situation for me.” Instead, they know they need to leave where they are and move toward and into the light of the truth of who Jesus is. Then they truly will be his disciples; they will know the truth, begin living in the truth, and be free.
Lord Jesus, you know we are sometimes slow in coming out of the darkness into your glorious emancipating presence. Be patient with us and encourage us even today through your Spirit to put our faith squarely in you and in you alone, that we may know the truth and be freed from everything that entangles us and keeps us from fully worshiping you and living for you alone. Amen.