Knowing The Word in Genesis 24:10-21, Rebekah and the Camels

10 Then the servant took ten of his master's camels [demonstrating his great wealth and possessions as camels were rare at that time] and departed, taking all sorts of choice gifts from his master [the bridal price]; and he arose and went to Mesopotamia to the city of Nahor [near Haran if not Haran itself]. 11 And he made the camels kneel down [for rest] outside the city by the well of water at the time of evening, the time when women go out to draw water. [It was customary for unmarried women/girls to draw water and herd the flocks.] 12 And he said, “O Lord, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham. 13 Behold, I am standing by the spring of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. 14 Let the young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels’—let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I shall know that you have shown steadfast love to my master.” [The servant’s prayer is based upon God’s love, election, and sovereignty. His request contains a test of her hospitality and a divine control of a predetermined sequence of the conversation.]
15 Before he had finished speaking, behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother [now the ending genealogy of chapter 23 makes sense], came out with her water jar on her shoulder. 16 The young woman was very attractive in appearance, a maiden [under 40] whom no man had known [a virgin]. She went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up. 17 Then the servant ran [eager to see if she is the answer to his prayer and] to meet her and said, “Please give me a little water to drink from your jar.” 18 She said, “Drink, my lord.” And she quickly let down her jar upon her hand and gave him a drink [more generous than a little sip]. 19 When she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.” [She is all the way in until these beasts are satisfied.] 20 So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran again to the well to draw water, and she drew for all his camels. 21 The man gazed at her in silence to learn whether the Lord had prospered his journey or not. [He had a while to gaze as giving ten camels a drink is a lot of work!]