Knowing The Word in Genesis 6:9-10, Here Comes Noah

9 These are the generations of Noah. [We begin a new section.] Noah was a righteous man [innocent, one who keeps the moral law], blameless [a prerequisite for a close fellowship with God] in his generation. Noah walked with God [on par with Enoch]. 10 And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. [They are considered righteous since they are mentioned before the corruption of the rest of the world. Adam and Terah also have three sons.]
[The flood story down through 9:19 forms a long and complex palistrophe (a literary device of symmetrical construction) as outlined below:
A Noah (6:10a)
B Shem, Ham and Japhet (10b)
C Ark to be built (14-16)
D Flood announced (17)
E Covenant with Noah (18-20)
F Food in the ark (21)
G Command to enter ark (7:1-3)
H Seven days waiting for the flood (4-5)
I Seven days waiting for the food (7-10)
J Entry to ark (11-15)
K God shuts Noah in (16)
L Forty days flood (17a)
M Waters increase (17b-18)
N Mountains covered (19-20)
O 150 days waters prevail (21-24)
P God remembers Noah (8:1)
O’ 150 days water abate (3)
N’ Mountain tops visible (4-5)
M’ Waters abate (5)
L’ Forty days end (6a)
K’ Noah opens ark window (6b)
J’ Birds leave ark (7-9)
I’ Seven days waiting for water to subside (10-11)
H’ Seven days waiting for water to subside (12-13)
G’ Command to leave ark (15-17)
F’ Food outside ark (9:1-4)
E’ Covenant with all flesh (8-10)
D’ No flood in future (11-17)
C’ Ark (18a)
B’ Shem, Ham and Japhet (18b)
A’ Noah (19)
The first half of this palistrophe tells of the destruction of the first creation, while the second half describes a new creation emerging from the waters and the ark. What is in the center of the palistrophe?]