Knowing The Word in Luke 12:4-7

Have No Fear
12:4 “I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Jesus calling his disciples “my friends” is the only use of this word except in John 15:14 when he says the same thing. It expresses not only Jesus’ caring relationship with his disciples, but a new understanding of how believers can relate to God. He wanted his disciples to get their values straight as beloved children and friends of God before they head into a troubling future in which most will die. Those who can kill them have no more power over them after death. While the enemy’s power (to kill) is limited, God’s is not (to resurrect them from the dead). Jesus wants them focused on the bigger picture.
The word used for “hell” is “Gehenna,” which carries the notion of punishment. It was the trash dump outside Jerusalem where there was always a burning fire. “Hades,” not used here and which is also translated as “hell,” was the place of departed spirits. Jesus teaches that there is a place for fear in our relationship to God grounded on this fact: our recognition of the greatness and righteousness of God in the face of our readiness to sin. However, as we come into the perfect love of God, as revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus, his perfect love will cast out our fear—our fear of not being right with him. This will bring us into a place of loving obedience. We are not to fear Satan but to resist him.
In speaking of sparrows, in Jesus’ day, when you bought four sparrows, a fifth sparrow was thrown in for free. God cares and knows about the fifth and free one, meaning he knows about the minutest details of your life, even the hairs on your head. Jesus tells us about God’s overarching concern for his people as individuals, making this one of the most comforting passages of Scripture.
If God knows about all of our life, including all our thoughts, why do we hide some things from God? Do you really believe God knows and cares about the minutest details of your life? We need not fear him or distance ourselves from him because he is our friend. How can you be better friends with God?
Jesus, you are my friend in whom I trust and have life. Keep me anchored in this loving relationship through the power of your Spirit and help me make time for you all day long.