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Knowing The Word in Luke 16:14-17

The Law and the Kingdom of God

16:14 The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him. 15 And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

16 “The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone forces his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the Law to become void.


The Pharisees justified their wealth on God blessing their personal righteousness. Wealth was their reward for following the Law so well. Today we call this “works righteousness.” If one does certain things right in the eyes of God, he will reward that person. The Pharisees believed that what they believed and practiced set them apart from and higher than others. Jesus said this kind of thinking made God ill.

Something new, however, had arrived, marking a watershed moment in the history of Israel. Jesus appeared, preaching the kingdom of God, opening the door to more and more people. Yet in God’s economy, the Law will be fulfilled down to the minutest particulars in the life and works of Jesus. He never cast doubt on the Law, even while proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.


We all have a knack for self-justification and works righteousness. When and where do you believe that God should reward you? There exists still today an understanding that God will bless Christians materially for their faith. However, if it is true that wealth is a reward from God, why are most Christians around the world, such as in Pakistan, China, and much of Africa, not wealthy?


Lord, create in me a grateful heart for everything you give me in Jesus. May what I say and do today and tomorrow proceed from my relationship with him.


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