Knowing The Word in Luke 2:6-7

The Birth of Jesus
6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
Luke describes Jesus’ birth in simple terms. That Mary had to wrap the swaddling cloths herself around her son shows they were alone in Bethlehem, otherwise another woman would have helped her in the birthing process. That Jesus was laid in a manger has spawned the tradition of Jesus being born in a stable. But he also could have been born in the house of a poor family that had to keep their animals in the house with them. Or, Jesus could have been born in the courtyard of the inn where there was a manger. That the couple could not find room in Bethlehem probably means they arrived after others had come to the town for the census. It must have taken them longer to travel than most because of the distance and Mary’s late term pregnancy. Whatever the reason, whatever the exact location of Jesus’ birth, it was in a humble setting, not the place one would expect for the birth of a messiah or king.
The birth of Jesus illustrates the humility of God. It also demonstrates God’s unexpectedness. How can you manifest humility and unexpectedness in your life?
O God, in the birth of your Son, you showed loving humility in the most unexpected way, by taking our flesh upon yourself and putting into motion our salvation through your only-begotten Son. Grant that we, who have been adopted through him into your family, may daily increase in his likeness, do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.