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Knowing The Word in Luke 6:43-45

A Tree and Its Fruit

6:43 “For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. 45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.


Jesus spoke to his disciples about our true human nature. As a healthy fruit tree produces good fruit, so do healthy disciples of Jesus produce good fruit in their lives when the follow Jesus. It is the inner, Spirit-filled nature of disciples that produces one’s actions. Our words reveal what is in our heart.


If you could write down everything you said in a day, what do you think your words would reveal? Are you happy or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, encouraging or discouraging, charitable or judgmental? Take some time to make a list of things that you said to others in the last few days. How do your words describe you?


Father, you called Jesus your Beloved. Help me to understand that I too am your beloved as are all those who are in Christ. Assist me in seeing all the members of your body as beloved, giving thanks to you for them.


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