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Knowing The Word in Luke 8:1-3

Women Accompanying Jesus

8:1 Soon afte

rward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.


Jesus had a continuing, wandering ministry and preaching tour in the Galilee. However, Luke no longer mentions Jesus going to synagogues. Perhaps he preached in the open air as his reputation had likely preceded him, making him unwelcome in the local synagogues.

At that time, rabbis refused to teach women, considering them inferior. Yet the radical Jesus freely admitted them into his fellowship. They were well enough known that Luke named them. Mary was from Magdala and called “Magdalene,” meaning “of Magdala.” She had many demons cast out of her, but this does not necessarily mean she had been living an immoral life. Usually, “many demons” referred to a mental or physical disorder. But Christian tradition has made her a beautiful woman rescued by Jesus out of an immoral life. She also will be a key witness of the crucifixion and the first to see Jesus risen from the dead.

Chuza, being Herod’s manager, was a man of means, and apparently his wife, Joanna, shared some of those means with Jesus. It also indicates that Chuza may have been someone who told Herod stories about Jesus. Joanna shows up again in chapter 24 on the day of resurrection, but nothing more is known of her. Susanna is only mentioned here. We learn that the financial needs of Jesus’ ministry were met by women. No woman ever acted against Jesus in the gospels. His enemies were all men.


Luke’s Gospel gives women a more significant role than the other three. Perhaps as a Gentile, he was especially aware of Jesus’ inclusivity to excluded groups of people. What groups of people do you tend to exclude in your life? How might you be more inclusive and learn something from them?


Lord Jesus, you excluded no one but preached the good news to all who would listen. You looked out for those at the outskirts of society and invited them into your fellowship. Would you give me eyes to see people like this in my life and a heart to love them and offer them fellowship? Make me a follower who truly follows you in all I say and do.


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