
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
This sums up what Paul wants members of the church in Corinth and all churches to do. He reminds them how they should act. First, they need to be aware of others who may try and undermine their faith and trust in God. Second, as the Lord told Joshua before the battle of Jericho, they are to be courageous. To be courageous means to step up when you need to and not fall back, not fall away. Third, they will need to be strong because problems in the church reoccur. And fourth, all that we do as disciples of Jesus is to be done in love.
Conflict exists everywhere in life—in family relationships, at work, in school, and even at church. Jesus experienced conflict while standing firm, being courageous, and showing love. He stood his ground, never sinking to the ungodly level of his constant detractors.
Imagine yourself being like Jesus in difficult situations. How would you act differently? What language could you use to express your love better in that situation?
Take some time to reflect on a difficult situation that did not go well for you and think about how in the future you can stand firm, be courageous, and do it all in love.
Give us courage, O Lord, to stand up and be counted, to stand up for others who cannot stand up for themselves. To stand up for ourselves when it is needful to do so. Let us fear nothing more than we fear thee. Let us love nothing more than we love thee, for then we shall fear nothing also. Let us have no other God before thee, whether nation or party or state or church. Let us seek no other peace but the peace which is thine, and make us its instruments, opening our eyes and our ears and our hearts, so that we should know always what work of peace we should do for thee. Amen.
- Alan Paton