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The Zoom of Theology

Theology allows us to zoom in and zoom out as we explore and appreciate our Christian faith. When zooming out, we get the big picture of who God has revealed himself to be in Jesus and all that it means for us. When zooming in we explore the details, for example, of the incarnation and resurrection, and apply them to our daily living. Theology can be like a fence around a playground for children that keeps them safe but also like the individual pieces of equipment that allow us to play.

I once heard a person say that he did not want theological sermons but sermons with applications. At one level I agreed but at another level I cringed. All sermons are theological because they are to be about God, specifically Jesus. Yet that theology should direct us to live Jesus-shaped lives. When Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he makes the theological point of loving our neighbor as our self. It does help when the preacher makes a point of application, but if the hearers cannot also make applications to their own lives, then they do not understand the theology of the parable.

Theology helps us bridge the gap between our faith and the world we live in. It connects with our longings for a better world for us and for all people and helps us find meaning in terms of who God wants us to be and how he helps us become. This allows us to make life decisions about what really matters. Theology leads us into wonder, wisdom, and wellbeing as we zoom in and out of our Christian faith.



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